Just come to book club, it's only once a month!!!
had to cancel book club last night, because only 1 person could come. I
was super sad, and felt I gave enough time for everyone to get it on
their schedules and plan on it. So please let me know if you are
actually interested in being an active member of this book club, and if
not, please feel free to let me know, so that I don't remind you and
send you messages, and so I won't count on you being there. We had so
much fun in November, and I know we will have a blast every month! One
night a month for a couple of hours away from your kids is very doable,
and your hubby's can watch the kids! We all need a break, and it 2 hours
away from your kids will not kill you or them, and will actually help
you de-stress and be a better mom, so just make it happen! I love you
all, and hope to see you all next month!!
I'm in. Sorry I backed out at the last minute this week. I started a little late in game and at that point, I didn't have much down time left for reading. By the time Tuesday rolled around, I was only halfway through the book and I knew if I went, my motivation to finish would evaporate. That would be bad because I really want to finish! I'm glad book club gave me the push to read it!